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Learning From the Bright Spots: Examining Student Achievement Data During

September 27, 2022


September 27, 2022
Presentation SlidesPanel BiosWebinar Resources

“We should definitely view pandemic recovery as a process that will take place in multiple institutions in society.”
— Dan Goldhaber, Director of CALDER at American Institutes for Research

Hedy Chang, Executive Director and President of Attendance Works, moderated a conversation with a panel of leading researchers, exploring data on student achievement during COVID-19 and insights that can be gleaned from “Bright Spot” schools, districts and states. Two recent reports released by Curriculum Associates were highlighted during this webinar. The first report examined the state of student learning in 2022 and confirmed what we already know — the COVID-19 pandemic had significant impact on student growth and achievement. This impact was evident in the recent release of longitudinal data from NAEP. The second report reviewed some of the evidence emerging from schools and districts that were able to mitigate learning loss and accelerate learning recovery.

The researchers discussed strategies for building data capacity at the local and district levels. Parents, families, teachers and administrators will all benefit from enhanced capacity. Some key points made during this part of the discussion included:

  • Increasing transparency with families about student progress and challenges;
  • Strengthening relationships with families who are seen as critical partners in their student’s success;
  • Building capacity with teachers to use data as part of their day-to-day responsibilities and not as an add-on to already overloaded staff;
  • Using district resources to support teacher capacity, taking advantage of ESSR funding to do so; and
  • Using data to bring specific interventions to students who are most likely to benefit from targeted supports.

There was concern among the presenters about the overwhelming nature of the task ahead. As Dan Goldhaber quoted above noted, this is an undertaking that will require an all hands-on-deck approach at the community and state levels to ensure that a generation of students leave school with the skills needed to succeed.

This conversation represents a jumping-off point where CGLR will share information about these Bright Spots and help the “Almost Bright Spots” move toward accelerated learning recovery. We plan to continue the conversation with local leaders who are making progress in a future webinar and hope you will join us.