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Holiday Rebroadcast: Not Just Nice But Necessary: Family Engagement = A Big Bet That’s Paying Off for Kids

December 313:00 pm - 4:30 pm


December 31
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
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Webinar Slide DeckPanelist Bios

When speaking about strategies to recover learning post-pandemic and accelerate educational progress, the term “family engagement” has, in many ways, gotten watered down and has become more of an overused catchphrase than a focused strategy. Yet specific outreach and engagement strategies used by schools and districts along with local and national nonprofit, parent-facing organizations have led to measurable results for students, such as increased attendance, enrollment in tutoring, summer learning and other support programs; improved behavior; and increased interest and achievement in reading and other academics. This means that despite the term’s overuse, family engagement is working to advance student progress. It is important to understand the concrete strategies and actionable models that are effective for parents and families, school systems and community organizations, as well as students. In this “Big Bets Working” session from May of 2024, panelists investigate the most effective engagement and outreach strategies. Attendees also have the chance to hear from a parent directly about what works for her and what actions help her support her kids’ learning progress.