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Building Babies’ Brains!
Monday, July 22 at 10 am ET
Join us to learn about how Gwinnett is tackling the kindergarten readiness challenge by focusing on Building Babies’ Brains! In Gwinnett, nearly half of our children aren’t prepared for kindergarten, and together, through this collective early learning community initiative, we are already moving the needle. Understanding that learning begins at birth and 80% of a child’s brain is developed by age 3, we’re dedicated to raising awareness and empowering parents and caretakers to be each child’s first and best teachers. Together, we can ensure every child is ready to thrive in kindergarten by fostering a community-wide commitment to early learning and providing access to high-quality resources and programs. We look forward to sharing the Gwinnett Building Babies’ Brains journey and hope you will join us!
Georgia’s Moment of Literacy Lift
Tuesday, July 23 at 10am ET
In this presentation, we will explore the key components and requirements of the Georgia Early Literacy Act. We will delve into the necessity of high-quality instructional materials, the implementation of universal screeners, and the importance of tiered reading interventions. Additionally, we will discuss the role of professional learning in enhancing literacy outcomes. The Georgia Department of Education’s (GaDOE) efforts to support districts in implementing these requirements with quality and fidelity will also be highlighted. Join us to gain insights into how these initiatives are designed to improve early literacy across the state.
Early Childhood Education Fellowship: An Innovative Strategy for Supporting the PreK-12 Continuum
Tuesday, July 23 at 1pm ET
Drew Charter School has developed a unique solution to support recent high school graduates who are unsure of their next step while recruit PreK teachers its Early Childhood Education Fellowship. The program is designed to help recent high school graduates explore a career in early childhood education through hands-on experience and financial support for obtaining a college degree. Learn more about the program, and how you might replicate components in your community.
Family Farm Share
Friday, July 26 at 11am
Several partners in Ware and Carroll Counties are collaborating to address food security in young children through Family Farm Share. These partners work directly with farmers to provide a low-cost, weekly fresh food box that is specifically designed for families of young children in Head Start. Learn more about this collaboration, including aspects that may be replicable in your community.