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Apr1512:30 pm - 2:00 pm

Counting on Philanthropy: How National & Local Funders Are Collaborating to Advance Early Math


April 15
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
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Mathematical skills — and growth in these skills over the early elementary years — correlate with academic skills in later elementary school. The good news is that children can learn mathematics at very young ages, especially through playful, family-based activities that can be integrated into daily routines such as folding laundry, shopping for groceries, or playing with blocks. The bad news is that too few have an opportunity to do so. Join us for a Funder-to-Funder Conversation inspired by the growing body of research underscoring the foundational importance of early numeracy. Panelists will discuss the various ways that national and local funders are joining forces to pilot and scale-up successful models, evaluate impact, leverage existing programs to incorporate math, build momentum, and strengthen the field. 
Panelists: Kimberly Brenneman, Heising-Simons Foundation; Claudia Ferrara and Omowale Moses, MathTalk; Douglas D. Ismail, California Masonic Foundation; Holly Kreider, Ed.D., Center for Family Math, NAFSCE; and Geeta Pradhan, Cambridge Community Foundation.  
Moderator: Jessica Tilli, Ed.D., Philadelphia School District. 
(Funder-to-Funder Conversation)
