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Event Series Event Series: GLR Week
Jul2411:00 am - 12:00 pm

Collective Impact in Missouri: Closing Literacy Gaps, a CGLR Week State Webinar


July 24, 2024
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Tags:
Missouri GLR Flyer
Join us as we discuss how collectively we are working in Missouri to improve literacy rates. Become inspired on how to improve literacy in your community!

We will discuss national to local literacy collective impact work so that you can learn best practices to take back to your community. We will start with an understanding of the literacy collective impact work happening nationally from senior consultant, Mr. Ron Fairchild, with the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading.

Dr. Heather Knight, Literacy Coordinator, with the new Office of Literacy at the Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education will discuss the formation of this office and Missouri’s Read, Lead, and Exceed initiative. Locally, Dr. Kristin Droege with Turn the Page KC will share the recent formation of the Heartland Literacy Coalition in Kansas City, and Ms. Lisa Greening with Turn the Page STL will speak about the STL Tutoring Collaborative in St. Louis.
