The documentary Sentenced explores the devastating impact of illiteracy on children and families across the United States and sheds light on how illiteracy, especially when compounded by generational poverty, can trap individuals in cycles of hardship from a young...
The LEO Science of Teaching and Learning
The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading hosts 70+ webinars each year, exploring critical topics from a wide range of perspectives. We use our blog post to explore themes that are emerging across sessions and lift up key takeaways. Join us!
The Science of Reading for Emergent Bilinguals
In this GLR Learning Tuesdays webinar, The Science of Reading for Emergent Bilinguals, attendees heard a riveting conversation about current work, initiatives and thoughts around centering English learners and emergent bilinguals in the realm of the science of...
Getting All Students Up to Speed Using Evidence-Based Supplemental Reading Programs
In this GLR Learning Tuesdays webinar, Getting Students Up to Speed Using Evidence-Based Supplemental Reading Programs, co-sponsored with the LEARN Network, moderator Adrienne D. Woods, Ph.D. of SRI International shared the above quote as she explained the goal of...