LEO TeamWhen the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the education system in March 2020, CGLR quickly pivoted to launch the Learning Loss Recovery Challenge (LLRC), a network-wide mobilization effort to mitigate the pandemic's adverse effects on learning. The LLRC initiative...
The LEO Learning Loss
The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading hosts 70+ webinars each year, exploring critical topics from a wide range of perspectives. We use our blog post to explore themes that are emerging across sessions and lift up key takeaways. Join us!
The Kindergarten Exodus: Why, Where and What We Can Do Now
This GLR Learning Tuesdays discussion, titled The Kindergarten Exodus: Why, Where and What We Can Do Now, featured the voices of committed district superintendents from across the country sharing their insights about what it takes to reengage families and reenroll...
Engaging Families for Everyday Attendance
In this Big Bets Working session, the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading (CGLR) hosted a conversation with practitioners working at the school, district, community and state levels to hear how they are partnering with families to overcome attendance barriers and make...