During the April 9, 2024 GLR Learning Tuesdays webinar, The Education Recovery Scorecard: Results and Implications, John Gomperts with the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading moderated a conversation exploring the results and implications of the Education Recovery...
The LEO Data
The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading hosts 70+ webinars each year, exploring critical topics from a wide range of perspectives. We use our blog post to explore themes that are emerging across sessions and lift up key takeaways. Join us!
NAEP Scores: Behind and Beyond the Numbers
“Our schools are community institutions first and foremost. One of the things we were really grateful for during the COVID era, because we were community institutions, because our teachers and leaders had deep ties to their communities and deep roots in their...
Real-Time Data & Equitable Learning Recovery: Emerging Pathways to Smarter Decisions
“Everybody has a role, one of the first things I think we need to do is to get parents and family and community on board and understanding this isn't going to go just go away. This is a serious problem we have here that will impact students’ outcomes and their lives...