Ralph Smith
Managing Director
Campaign for Grade-Level Reading
Your invitation to support our second-in-a-decade end-of-year outreach for the Learning Loss Recovery Fund
Trying to walk the talk. It’s no accident that the Campaign for Grade Level Reading’s second-in-decade end-of-year outreach for support is being launched after Giving Tuesday. This timing honors our decade-long decision to support and avoid competing with the 5,000+ local organizations in the stakeholder coalitions across our 350+ CGLR Network communities. The resulting trust relationship has helped to propel a nationwide “grassroots to governors” bipartisan movement around early literacy, early learning and early school success.
As with CGLR’s initial outreach in 2020, contributions from this 2024 outreach will be dedicated to the Learning Loss Recovery Challenge Fund. Over the past four years, this fund enabled us to follow the data and move with urgency to sound the learning loss alarm, activate our partners and mobilize our networks. In concert with others, that work has made a difference! Learning loss is recognized as real, substantial and, in the absence of urgent attention, potentially catastrophic for the children of economically challenged, fragile and marginalized families. Even so, far too many children remain stranded on the wrong side of even larger gaps.
Your support in response to this appeal will allow us to refuel and relaunch the Learning Loss Recovery Challenge Fund to promote informed demand for and more effective implementation of promising solutions to accelerate equitable academic recovery: technology-enhanced teaching and learning fueled by digital connectivity and internet access; teacher development and coaching; high-impact tutoring; parents and families engaged as essential partners; everyday attendance; and abundant, community-wide and ubiquitous out-of-school learning-rich environments. And you can be assured that we will do so anchored by our core commitments to parents, partners and proximity.