Sarah Torian

Chief Learning Officer

Campaign for Grade-Level Reading

Credited Webinars:

Sarah Torian serves as Chief Learning Officer for the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, leading CGLR’s Learning and Engagement Opportunities (LEO). She is supported by a team of content managers, webinar producers, and communications/ social media managers, who collectively have delivered more than 240 webinars under the GLR Learning Tuesdays brand since September 2019. LEO affirms the Campaign’s commitment to get better at getting better by learning with and from each other, engaging the GLR Network and the broader field in an exploration of the best science, ideas and programs. 

Since 2002, Torian has worked as an independent consultant for nonprofits and foundations, providing research, facilitation, communications, and project management services. For 11 years, she has provided qualitative evaluation and communication support to the Get Georgia Reading Campaign, interviewing state and local leaders, conducting focus groups, and providing communications support for this statewide birth through third grade literacy campaign. She also co-authored two groundbreaking reports for the Annie E. Casey Foundation, examining the structures and systems that sustain racial inequities in Atlanta. She previously served as communications associate with the Southern Regional Council, an Atlanta-based civil rights organization. She holds a BA from the University of Virginia and an MA from the University of Mississippi.