Ruth Patterson, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics and board certified pediatrician, completed medical school training at Howard University College of Medicine, Washington D.C. in 1982 and completed residency training in pediatrics at the University of Mississippi School of Medicine in 1985. Dr. Patterson returned to UMMC in 1991 to serve as medical director of the Newborn Nursery and supervising faculty of residents and students for pediatric inpatients admitted to Batson Children’s Hospital. In 1998 Dr. Patterson transferred within UMMC to ambulatory services as a primary care pediatrician. After a brief retirement in 2018, she returned to UMMC in 2019 to work as part of the MS Thrive Child Health and Development Project supported by a HRSA grant. Dr. Patterson has been actve with the American Academy of Pediatrics and member of the division of developmental pediatrics. Dr. Patterson has been involved in Foreign Mission medical work both in Honduras, Central America and in Lesotho, South Africa.
Ruth W. Patterson, M.D. FAAP
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
University of Mississippi Medical Center