Maria Casey’s career has reached across several areas, including public education, community-based public health, youth development, employment and training programs for under-represented groups, and non-profit organization management and development. From 2013 to 2017 Maria worked with the Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE) as a professional expert. During the last two years of that tenure she was Executive Director of the Student Wellness/California Healthy Kids and After School Resource Centers Department. Prior to joining ACOE, Maria was Executive Director of Partnership for the Public’s Health, a center of the Public Health Institute and a program office for several major initiatives of the California Endowment and Kaiser Permanente. Maria has also served as President and CEO of the Urban Strategies Council and the National Community Building Support Center, an arm of the Council. She is well known for her work building community partnerships, engaging and building multi-sector leadership for change, and designing and implementing programs aimed at improving opportunities for our most vulnerable children and families.

Maria Casey
Associate Director
Attendance Works