Jenny Atkinson is a senior consultant with the Smarter Learning Group, a national consulting firm that helps organizations build stronger partnerships, attract more investment, and achieve better results in improving educational outcomes for low-income children. In this capacity she has worked with clients ranging from the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading to many national youth serving organizations including YMCA, 4-H and BGCA. Prior to joining the Smarter Learning Group, worked with Boys & Girls Clubs for over twenty years, serving as the executive director with Boys & Girls Club in Boston and the senior director of education and the arts at Boys & Girls Clubs of America where she created education and art programs for Clubs and trained and advised Club staff around the country. Jenny served on advisory committees for PBS shows including Design Squad and The Secret Life of the Brain and was a jurist for The President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities, Coming Up Taller Awards. She has taught college courses on child growth and development, human development and sociology at Newbury College. Jenny holds an undergraduate degree from Harvard University and a master’s degree from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Jenny Atkinson
Jenny Atkinson is a senior consultant with the Smarter Learning Group, a national consulting firm that helps organizations build stronger partnerships, attract more investment, and achieve better results in improving […]