Jennifer Rinehart

Senior Vice President, Strategy and Programs

Afterschool Alliance

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Jen Rinehart joined the Afterschool Alliance in 2002 and takes a primary role in the organization’s coalition building, policy, and research efforts. Jen oversees major initiatives including the Afterschool for All Challenge, an annual afterschool advocacy day, and works closely with the VPs of Research and Policy on the overall research and policy strategies. In addition, Jen provides technical assistance and supports to the statewide afterschool networks to help them use research to advance their state policy goals and to engage them in federal advocacy efforts. Prior to joining the Afterschool Alliance, Jen served for more than five years on the staff of the Department of Education, primarily as a Project Officer for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program, the principal federal program supporting afterschool. Jen has her Master’s degree in Human Development from the University of Maryland at College Park and a B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Elementary Education from Gettysburg College. She works closely with a number of national organizations and initiatives that share the Afterschool Alliance’s vision of afterschool for all.