Jenn Faber, Director of the Florida Grade-Level Reading Campaign has worked in the field of education for over 30 years in various state-level positions. She currently serves as the Florida State Lead to the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading and has lead the Florida GLR Campaign since its inception in early 2015. This statewide campaign is strategically designed to address three networks of key supporters, including Community Leaders, State Agency Leaders, and Business & Philanthropic Leaders. Under Jenn’s leadership during the past 6 years, the Florida campaign has grown from 10 local campaigns, to now 24 campaign communities serving 34 counties throughout Florida, and representing about 75% of the state’s population. The campaign also produces community resources and serves as the technical assistance support system for local campaigns, developing and providing free reading instruction resources, services, webinars, mini-grants, and best practice documents.
Jenn Faber
Director, Florida Grade-Level Reading Campaign
Florida Children’s Council