Jane Park

Senior Content Strategist

Google Kids & Families

Jane Park is a Senior Content Strategist at Google where she is leading efforts to create high-quality online experiences for children and families around the world. In her role, she drives content partnerships with product teams across Google, as well as with external partners to light up fun, engaging, and enriching experiences that meet the core developmental needs of children—while supporting parents and educators with tools to help kids navigate the online world safely and confidently.

She previously served as the Director of Too Small to Fail, the early childhood initiative of the Clinton Foundation, where she led partnerships with corporations, nonprofits, and associations to scale a national public awareness and action campaign designed to promote children’s early brain and language development. Through this role, Jane was passionate about forging innovative, cross-sector collaborations to create more equitable access to playful, inclusive, literacy-rich environments in the everyday spaces families visit. Prior to this role, Jane was the Associate Director of Content in the Education, Research, and Outreach department at Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit organization behind Sesame Street. She worked with a team to develop the whole child curriculum on which the television series is based and collaborated across the organization to integrate Sesame Street’s educational content through various platforms—including print, video, and web. Jane also wrote numerous publications to support parents/caregivers through challenging situations, including military deployment, natural disasters, and economic and food insecurity. Jane holds an M.A. in developmental psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University and a B.A. in communications from the University of California at San Diego. She is a child of first generation immigrants from Korea (who learned English watching Sesame Street), and a mom of two children and their sweet Poodle, Lucy.