Polly Singh

Polly Singh

Senior Program Officer

Wallace Foundation

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Polly Singh joined The Wallace Foundation in 2002 and was named a program officer in 2012, and was named senior program officer in November 2017. Since she began at Wallace, she has worked in the afterschool program area. Singh oversees grants primarily in Wallace’s expanded learning and strengthening financial management initiatives. She also helps manage StrongNonprofits.org, a Wallace website that shares best practices in financial management for afterschool providers.

Before joining Wallace, Singh worked at Morgan Stanley and The Century Foundation. She has a bachelor’s degree from Hamilton College, where she majored in Spanish and Latin American studies, and a master’s degree in public administration from the School of Public Affairs at Baruch College. Singh has studied in Spain and the Dominican Republic. In the latter country, she taught English while earning certification to teach English as a second language.​