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Ready, Set, Go: Realizing the Potential of Out-of-School Time to Deliver High-Quality Programming for Early Learners and Parents 

The September 24, 2024 Peer Exchange Learning Conversation, moderated by Marjorie Sims of Ascend at the Aspen Institute explored the importance of summer learning, out-of-school time learning and everyday attendance. For over a decade, the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading has been talking about the importance of attendance and the impact of what’s been called the summer […]

The ESSER Funding Cliff Approaches: What States Did & What They Learned

In the September 24, 2024 GLR Learning Tuesdays webinar, CGLR was thrilled to have the rare opportunity to convene and hear from a panel of Chief State School Officers about the decision- and policymakers about the interventions and strategies in which they invested their 10% set-aside allowed from the $190 billion Elementary and Secondary School […]

The Daycare Myth: What We Get Wrong About Early Care & Education

This partner webinar, moderated by Ellen Galinsky with Families and Work Institute, provided a powerful look into the disconnect between early care and education in the United States as reflected in Dan Wuori’s new book.  Wuori, author of The Daycare Myth and founder and president of Early Childhood Policy Solutions LLC, engaged in conversation with Galinsky about this disconnect and the physical costs that […]

Event Series Kindergarten Matters

Play-Based Learning in the Kindergarten Classroom & Beyond

    Moderated by Diana Greene, Ph.D., of Children’s Literacy Initiative, this conversation highlighted the ways that playful learning can and should be used as a classroom method that fosters creativity, curiosity and critical thinking in children.  Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Ph.D., of Temple University and the Brookings Institution served as the key speaker in the conversation and began by highlighting the […]

Building Stronger Teacher Pipelines Through University-District Partnerships

CGLR and Deans for Impact (DFI) were thrilled to bring this critical topic to the foreground as communities across the country grapple with new teacher attrition amidst ongoing shortages. We heard from two strong, long-standing partnerships in Ohio and Virginia on how to successfully work together across recruitment, preparation and mentoring, and what it takes […]

An “Honesty Gap”? Shifting State Standards & Accountability for Learning Loss Recovery

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is often referred to as “The Nation’s Report Card” because it is the one national report that gives us a broad look at how our kids are doing academically across the country. In recent months, state standards have shifted so that what qualifies as proficient in one state […]