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Elevating Educators: Investing in Teacher Professional Development for Long-term Payoff Lisa Roy, Ed.D., moderated an inspiring and informative conversation with Sharon Hopper, Sarah Brown Wessling, Michelle Accardi and Cindy Hadicke, Ed.D. Each speaker shared details of their organizations’ professional development programs and resources, and talked in depth about barriers facing teachers and districts today when it comes to accessing high-caliber professional development. They highlighted the importance of students, families and […]

Prioritizing Early Relational Health in Tutoring for Equitable Learning Recovery

In this May 31, 2022 GLR Learning Tuesdays webinar, attendees had the chance to learn from early childhood expert Junlei Li, Ph.D., of the Harvard Graduate School of Education who shared the following wise words, among many others: “Reading experts will talk about reading as a technical or mechanical process — the phonics, the decoding […]

State Strategies for Advancing Equitable Learning Recovery

Moderated by CGLR Senior Fellow Barbara O'Brien, last week's timely GLR Learning Tuesdays session, co-sponsored by ExcelinEd, explored strategies for scaling a tutoring strategy statewide. To start the webinar, Casey Sullivan Taylor, Policy Director of Early Literacy at ExcelinEd, described her research into the approaches taken by two states and the District of Columbia. Next, Allison Rose Socol, Ph.D., Vice President for P–12 Policy, Research & Practice at The Education […]

Stabilizing the Early Care and Education Workforce: Increasing Compensation ASAP

“It is our duty and your responsibility to participate and to speak up. Your voice is your currency. No one can tell us what our profession needs better than the actual practitioner for herself or himself. We are the experts in this field, we know what we need.” – Jerletha McDonald  In this week’s GLR […]

Systems of Resilience: Critical Factors for Decision-Making in Dallas ISD

"Data isn't a hammer, it's a flashlight showing the way." - Cecelia Leong, Attendance Works. Moderated by Cecelia Leong of Attendance Works, the July 12, 2022 GLR Learning Tuesday Learning Loss Recovery Challenge webinar explored what makes a school district resilient in the face of various challenges that cause lagging reading proficiency, including the COVID-19 pandemic. […]

A Virtual Gratitude Reception, CGLR Salutes Our Public Library Partners

GLR Week 2022 launched with a session celebrating public libraries as a mainstay of the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading since its inception. Public libraries serve as trusted centers of communities in the unique position to attract potential partners and provide benefits and resources to community members with diverse interests and needs, as uniquely captured by panelist, […]

Building Blocks for the New Normal: Mining the Bright Spots and Silver Linings

“Kids need all of these kinds of supports. They need health care, food and housing. But, I don’t want to get away from the fact that they also need good schools.” Susanna Loeb, Ph.D., of Brown University’s National Student Support Accelerator offered this reflection during Building Blocks for the New Normal: Mining the Bright Spots & Silver Linings, a GLR […]

$65B to Advance Digital Equity: Leverage Opportunities and Challenges of State and Local Funders

“This is an incredible moment for local advocates ― whether you're in the digital inclusion space or anything else that rides on top of digital inclusion, issues like immigration, housing, education and health care.” Amina Fazlullah of Common Sense offered the above reflection during this July 20, 2022 GLR Week Funder-to-Funder Conversation on philanthropic opportunities […]