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What Happens (or Doesn’t Happen) in One Generation Affects the Next: Two-Gen Strategies for Alleviating Poverty

In this GLR Week 2023 session, United Way Worldwide, Ascend at the Aspen Institute and CGLR engaged a powerhouse of national and local leaders, including Ralph Smith of CGLR; Ayeola Fortune of United Way Worldwide; Camille Busette of the Brookings Institution and the Race, Prosperity, and Inclusion Initiative; Marjorie Sims of Ascend at the Aspen […]

Locked Out of Literacy: Causes, Consequences & Costs

  “This (grade-level reading) is not an initiative for us. This is going to be a new way of life, in which we're going to ensure that all of our kids are going to be on grade level. You cannot do that without parents as your partners. When I came in as chancellor, I had […]

NCADE Emerging: A Briefing and Conversation With the Institute of Education Sciences

In this special, invitation-only GLR Week engagement held on July 19 at 12:30 p.m. ET, we were honored to be joined by two leaders from the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences (IES) for a briefing on the proposed National Center for Advanced Development in Education (NCADE). IES received an additional $30 million from the […]

AI-Enhanced Efficacy: Assisting the Adults Helping Children

“We absolutely do not believe that AI will replace teachers. They can never be replaced. Machines will not love students. Teachers love students.”  Eirene Chen of Khan Academy offered this insight during the GLR Week session, AI-Enhanced Efficacy: Assisting the Adults Helping Children, moderated by Isabelle Hau of the Stanford Accelerator for Learning. Chen points to generative AI as a means for moving […]

Bright Spots and Groundwork: What’s Working in Communities

“We are gratified by the absence of fatigue and the willingness and encouragement of communities to stay the course during the pandemic. As the pandemic appears in the rearview mirror, we are inspired by the resolve, resilience and the commitment of these communities to assure equitable learning loss recovery. We are assured by the many […]

Global Perspectives on Post-Pandemic Academic Recovery

“There's a misunderstanding that TV is the solution . It's not. It's the passion — that's the solution. What do children have passion for? How can we harness that?...When somebody watches content with captioning, which is in the same language, they try to engage with the text automatically. They cannot but try to read along. […]

From Classroom to Community: Investing in Whole-Child Support Systems from Cradle to Career

In this week’s GLR Learning Tuesdays rebroadcast webinar, From Classroom to Community: Investing in Whole-Child Support Systems From Cradle to Career, we continued our series of sessions that follow up on our recent exploration of state and district spending from the $190 billion Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) federal fund. During this week’s session, co-sponsored […]

Reading for Life: The Impact of Child Literacy on Health Outcomes, with Scholastic and Yale Child Study Center   “Everything that is so important to us about reading and literacy also has profound health impacts.” — Linda Mayes, M.D., Chair, Yale Child Study Center In this Partners webinar, Reading for Life: The Impact of Child Literacy on Health Outcomes, the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading (CGLR) was honored to host the release of a new […]