funder to funder
Monthly webinars designed to provide space for philanthropic leaders to engage in shared learning and explore opportunities for collaboration, increased alignment and co-investing between and among local funders and their more “national” counterparts.

Occurring on the third Tuesday of each month at 12:30 p.m. ET, CGLR’s Funder-to-Funder Conversations engage the funders who are leading and investing in the 350+ community coalitions in states across the country and those investing on a broader scale. The series seeks to lift up and align the assets of both local and national funders — the local knowledge, earned credibility and trusting relationships that state and local funders bring to this work and the increased access to experts and the latest research and larger funding capacity of national funders.


The Funder-to-Funder Conversation series explores the unique roles philanthropic leaders can play in advancing the community solutions and priorities that the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading has identified as critical to ensuring early school success for children in families with low incomes.

Stop playing catch-up

Ensure that fewer children start school so far behind.

End chronic absence

Don’t let students fall further behind during the school year.

Reverse the summer slide

Enable striving and struggling readers to make progress instead of losing ground.

Address health-related challenges

Healthy development is key to early academic success.

Equip parents to succeed

Parents are brain builders, first teachers and tutors, strongest advocates and best coaches.

Advance grade-level reading and math

Close the gap between science and practice.

Slow, stop and reverse learning loss

Fast-track access to the internet, tutors and out-of-school learning.

