The monthly Crucible of Practice webinar series offers state and local GLR coalitions a platform to showcase the local work and uncover the “story behind the story” while also sharing insights about replicable strategies and approaches to challenges. These webinars are designed to spark commentary, inspire ideas that can be applied in other communities and engage the network about models happening in practice.
The Crucible of Practice series explores proven strategies and models that are implemented in local GLR communities. Sharing the perspectives from the field offers insight into how communities are responding to ensure early school success for children in families with low incomes.

Stop playing catch-up
Ensure that fewer children start school so far behind.

End chronic absence
Don’t let students fall further behind during the school year.

Reverse the summer slide

Address health-related challenges

Equip parents to succeed
Parents are brain builders, first teachers and tutors, strongest advocates and best coaches.

Advance grade-level reading and math

Slow, stop and reverse learning loss
The GLR Network is comprised of 350+ communities that have put a stake in the ground and rallied around the priorities of the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading. Representation includes 46 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and two Canadian provinces. Communities are sponsored by 5,200+ local organizations, institutions and agencies, with sustainable funding provided by state and local funders, including 200+ United Ways.

MILLIONK-3 students (44% of that age group) in 2,500+ school districts and 37,000 public schools live in counties served by GLR Campaigns