Shirley Sagawa is the former CEO and co-founder of Service Year
Alliance and founder of the Service Year Exchange, the
technology platform for full-time, full-year service now run by
the Alliance. Prior to this role, she developed social innovation
policy, authored reports, and advised national organizations and
foundations on strategy as a partner with sagawa/jospin. Shirley
served as a presidential appointee in both the first Bush and
Clinton administrations, serving as First Lady Hillary Clinton’s first policy assistant and
later deputy chief of staff, drafting the AmeriCorps legislation, and helping to lead the
start up of the Corporation for National and Community Service for President Bill
Clinton. For President George H. W. Bush, she helped to start and served as vice chair of
the Commission on National and Community Service. A visiting Senior Fellow at the
Center for American Progress and adjunct faculty at the McCourt School of Public Policy
at Georgetown, Shirley is author of three books, including The American Way to Change.