Martha Martinez, Ph.D.

Senior Director of Research and Evaluation

Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL)

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Martha I Martinez, Ph.D. has over twenty years of experience researching, overseeing and supporting policies and programs designed to improve educational outcomes for underserved students. Currently, she is the Senior Director of Research and Evaluation for Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL), a nonprofit dedicated to improving the educational experiences and outcomes of multilingual learners. She has written about SEAL’s work related to bilingual/dual language education, including equity issues in bilingual education, and increasing the numbers of bilingual teachers and their capacity to teach multilingual learners. Prior to joining SEAL, Dr. Martinez worked at the Oregon Department of Education where she oversaw the state’s dual language grant program. She received her Ph.D. in Educational Methodology, Policy and Leadership from the University of Oregon. Her dissertation was on student integration patterns in twoway dual immersion programs.