GLR Learning Tuesdays webinars occur weekly, with sessions in the Crucible of Practice, Funder-to-Funder and Peer Exchange series occurring monthly and Special Webinars occurring occasionally. What’s Working XChange and Communities of Practice promote peer learning among local GLR coalitions.
Attended 10+ Sessions
Panelist Faculty
Beyond the Ballot: Sustaining Progress in Academic Recovery and Early School Success
“We all like accountability in theory. And then when we start getting real about what it means, nobody really likes it because it's about tough love.”– Michael Petrelli, Thomas B. Fordham […]
Equitable Literacy Instruction: Ensuring the Science of Reading Works for All Children
In this incredibly inspirational learning experience, panelists emphasized that a primary key to dispelling misunderstandings about the sciences of reading is realizing there are multiple sciences that need to be taken into consideration […]
Power of Philanthropy: Supporting Children’s Advocacy Through Strategic Framing
In November 2024, the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading hosted a GLR Learning Tuesdays session exploring the Collective Caregiving frame, a powerful new communications strategy designed to mobilize communities and build […]
Beyond Giving Tuesday: The Learning Loss Recovery Fund
Campaign for Grade-Level Reading Your invitation to support our second-in-a-decade end-of-year outreach for the Learning Loss Recovery Fund Trying to walk the talk. It’s no accident that the Campaign for Grade Level Reading’s second-in-decade end-of-year outreach...
Learning Loss Recovery Challenge (LLRC)
LEO TeamWhen the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the education system in March 2020, CGLR quickly pivoted to launch the Learning Loss Recovery Challenge (LLRC), a network-wide mobilization effort to mitigate the pandemic's adverse effects on learning. The LLRC initiative...
Disagree Better: Building On Common Ground To Ensure Early School Success
“[CGLR’s] focus on solutions is very much the intent behind an initiative I’ve been working on this past year as chair of the National Governors Association called Disagree Better. Disagree Better aims to help people work through their differences without all the...
GLR Week 2024 will Focus on the Gaps!
Why Focus on the Gaps? Because more children are now stranded on the wrong side of even larger gaps.Because the data confirms that: These gaps start early, widen and persist.Because focusin go "all" children rarely works for all children.Because "solutions" that...